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Michael Kientz

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I founded Teaching Them to equip Bible teachers with fun and engaging games, lessons, drama skits and other resources to increase the impact of their teaching. 

My Story

I love to help the Bible come alive for people of all ages. I have been teaching about the Bible for more than 25 years with adults, youth, and children in small groups, large classrooms and big stage settings. I have taught on five continents and spent eight years living and teaching in Asia. I've learned a lot about what works and what doesn't in different contexts and with different age groups.

For children and youth, I really enjoy combining Bible lessons with "kitchen science," (i.e., experiments that you can do with common things found in most kitchens, pantries, or medicine cabinets). You will see that quite a few of my lessons involve getting messy. It requires some preparation and clean-up, but the kids love it!

You can find video demonstrations of many of my lessons on my YouTube channel.

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